Florida, Apr 4.- The awarding of recognitions to outstanding base guides in the attention to the pioneer movement and to outstanding girls and boys in their work groups, took place during the celebration of the cultural gala for the 62nd Anniversary of the José Martí Pioneers Organization ( OPJM) and 61 of the Union of Young Communists (UJC).
Held in front of the Cine Teatro Aurora, with the presence of the highest authorities of the Party and the Government in the municipality of Florida and with the participation of the people, the cultural evening full of Cubanness took place, led in particular by young artists from the territory.
The pioneers that make up the Tuabaquey dance group, promoter and defender of traditional Cuban music, and the Abriendo Brechas Project, of the Hermanos Saiz Association, were in charge of delighting those present with their performances, in a meeting included in the program of activities for the anniversary of those youth organizations.