Florida, Aug 5.- «Only with the active participation of families and the rest of the social actors in the community and within the scope of the Popular Council, with the support of the Government and the Health System, united in the same purpose, we will be able to win the battle against the scourge of dengue, reduce the presence of its transmitting agent, the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and guarantee the survival of all”.
It was ratified in Florida by members of the provincial leadership of the Communist Party and of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the land of Camagüey during an essential meeting with representatives of the people, government officials and municipal organizations linked to this urgent task in the current situation.
The exchange, which was attended by the highest political and governmental authorities of the territory, was the scene to alert about the high increase in positive cases of Dengue disease in this demarcation, to take stock of compliance with the strategy with a view to reducing them and point out the deficiencies that still reduce the effectiveness of the health sector’s efforts in this task.
When summarizing an epidemiological control visit to the municipality, carried out on the day itself, Dr. Iluminada Menéndez Placeres, director of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the province of Camagüey, pointed out deficiencies in the focal and adulticide treatment in risk apples and recommended the use of specialized force to promote the investigation of feverishness and other symptoms in places where the incidence of dengue persists.
The directive also signified the importance of reducing the threat of environmental elements such as the accumulation of solid waste, leaks and sewage spills, together with excessive grassing in residential areas.
For his part, Dr. Nelson del Sol Serrallonga, municipal director of Public Health in Florida, demanded greater popular support and from the municipal structures of Acueducto and Comunales, while Yunaisy Ramos Vázquez, member of the Provincial Bureau of the Communist Party, reiterated the confidence in the ability of Floridians to advance and achieve, in the shortest possible time, victory in the collective fight against the incidence of dengue and against the presence of its transmitting agent, the Aedes aegypti mosquito.