Huellas Azules proposes Crafts and traditional music (+Photos)

Florida, Oct 20.- The Huellas Azules handicraft project of the municipality carries out during this week a varied exhibition of handicrafts in greeting to the Day of Cuban Culture that concludes this October 20 throughout Cuba.

The plastic artist Alexander Rodríguez, who is also the manager of the project, commented that the presence of the artisans who are members of the guild is always guaranteed in these days of celebration with various samples of crafts for the local population.

Huellas Azules brings together a number of Floridian artisans, who, through weaving with natural threads or fibers, textile confections, making clay pieces or from carpentry, offer the public an attractive expo-sale of these creations, in which they are exhibited also the works of the members of the Para Quench the Thirst project.

For this October 20, the date on which the Cuban Culture Day ends, in addition to the craft show, the Blue Footprints project proposes to the interested public the presentation of a group made up of local musicians who cultivate traditional music.

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Acerca de Diala González Ramayo

Licenciada en Comunicación Social en la Universidad de Las Tunas. Diplomada en periodismo. Trabaja como periodista en Radio Florida desde el año 2018 atendiendo sectores como Comunales, Sanidad Vegetal, Comercio y Gastronomía, entre otros. Contacto: Facebook: Diala González

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