Rogelio Rivera Fernandez, Dr in Cience of Administration from the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, shared with economic actors of the municipality of Florida the results of his studies on small business venture in this brother Latin American nation, with emphasis on micro, small and medium enterprises.
The Mexican academic, in his presentation on a series of tips for starting a socioeconomic enterprise, emphasized the importance of identifying and focusing on a market idea to develop it effectively, without making the mistake of pursuing several opportunities at once and losing focus.
He also said that the competition should never be ignored or underestimated in the search for a good market position, for which it is also essential to validate the products and services based on previous studies that certify the existence of a real demand and the possibilities of making the business feasible.
This presentation was conceived as training by the highest representatives of the National Association of Economists and Accountants in the province of Camagüey and the Floridian territory.
This way, an exchange was also held in which local economic actors evaluated the possibilities for the development of private «Mypymes» in the current complex economic scenario, under the siege of a commercial and financial blockade that limits the development of productive and service activities.