Popular Power Assembly analyzes issues related to Florida economy (+Post)

Florida, April 27.- The execution of the budget and the economy plan in the first quarter of 2024 and the progress of attention to the population’s proposals, were topics discussed during the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power, held this Friday at the Aurora cinema theater in the municipality of Florida.

In an open assembly, where the population could come and raise their concerns, other issues related to the behavior of crime and illegalities in the state entities of the territory were debated, as well as compliance with the sugar harvest plan and the work carried out. in Florida the Community Services Base Business Unit.

The Radio Florida Station broadcast live the meeting of the constituency delegates of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power and the participation of the directors of the state entities of the territory, where the population was given an account.

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Acerca de Ailen Vargas Abella

Ingeniera Informática de la Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas (UCI) de la Habana. Diplomada en periodismo. Locutora y Directora radial. Trabaja como periodista de Radio Florida desde el año 2011 atendiendo sectores como Cultura, la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @ailencita87 Facebook: Ailén Vargas Abella Blog personal: rincondeamoryvida.wordpress.com

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