La Vallita nursing home defends the excellence of its services

Florida, Mar. 28 – Sense of belonging, humanism and excellence in daily work are qualities that decorate the group of workers at the La Vallita home for the elderly, in the municipality of Florida, where 36 elderly adults are currently housed without family support.

Despite the shortages in their work force, it is necessary to distinguish the effort of the medical, administrative and service personnel in the referred health institution, who multiply every day in different tasks to offer the greatest satisfaction and quality of life to those protected in this center destined to social assistance.

Zoila Mercedes Méndez Girabel, administrator of this institution, emphasized the food guarantees and other existing benefits there, even though they demand the solidarity support of the productive bases and the rest of the agricultural actors of their environment.

The official also commented that constructive actions are currently underway to improve the conditions of lodging and medical assistance in this geriatric care facility.

The nursing home located in La Vallita, along with the one in San Antonio, in the southern part of Florida, is part of a chain of more than 150 such residences throughout the country, which provide lodging, food, recreation, productive activities, protection and comprehensive care services to older adults without family support.

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Acerca de Pedro Pablo Sáez Herrera

Licenciado en estudios Socioculturales de la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomado en Periodismo. Labora como periodista en Radio Florida atendiendo sectores como Salud Pública, la Asociación Nacional de Agricultores Pequeños, Trabajo y Seguridad Social, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @SanPPZeta Facebook: Pedro Pablo Sáez

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