Rachel Peláez Ellis, an excellent player of Camagüey women’s football team (+Audio)

Rachel Peláez Ellis, excelente jugadora del equipo camagüeyano de fútbol femenino

Florida, Feb. 16.- The Floridian Rachel Peláez Ellis participates for the tenth time in the National Women’s Football League for the senior category, and with her vision for goal she continues to be an important player in the team.

As a member of the Cuban national football team for years, the Floridian striker has written a page in the history of the sports movement in her homeland, as journalist Yunier Soler Castellanos reports.

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Acerca de Yunier Soler Castellanos

Licenciado en Estudios Socioculturales en la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomado en Periodismo. Trabaja como periodista en Radio Florida desde el año 2014 atendiendo sectores como el Poder Popular, Defensa Civil, el INDER, entre otros. Contactos; Twitter: @yuniersolerc Facebook: Yunier Soler Castellanos Blog personal: miopticablog.wordpress.com

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