Defeating Aedes aegypti requires precision, demand and cooperation from all

lorida, Aug 9.- The fight against the Aedes aegypti mosquito in Florida requires, right now, greater precision in institutional punches, definitively adding the support of the population to the fight, and getting those infected with dengue to come to the doctor and comply with his guidelines, to the letter, to avoid contagion from other people.

Even though the new Florida dispute against both demons has already been several months old, the final victory is not clear on the horizon.

A skirmish here and another there, where an active focus arises, are not enough to defeat the resistance of a mosquito that takes advantage of all possible advantages to survive in grassy patios and in stagnant water due to leaks and discharges; in uncovered liquid reservoirs inside and outside the homes, and among the mountains of solid waste that swarm everywhere in this municipality.

Nobody is oblivious to the current deficiencies and the lack of resources, but the government fight against Aedes and dengue will have to be made more efficient here in the collection of accumulated garbage; better strategy in the evacuation of pits in situation of overflow; alternative solutions for large leaks; systematicity and organization in the investigation of febrile and other symptoms, and maximum control over how much is done in families, neighborhoods and blocks infested by the disease.

It is up to the mass organizations, beyond their persistent presence in classroom meetings and in visits from others, to go out into the streets to talk with people about the risks of dengue and the danger of its transmitting agent; promote debate around the topic and explain causes and consequences; open health hearings; call for popular sanitation and lead it through a movement, without fanfare, but that generates favorable results.

On the other hand, and perhaps the most important thing right now is that the population of the municipality does not remain outside, as a passive spectator, before the advance of an epidemic in which they themselves put the casualties.

A guataca, a machete and a rake to execute the sheeting of patios and lots do not require fuel; the weekly autofocal in homes and workplaces only demands will and conscience; Going to the doctor’s office, or to the guardhouses when symptoms of dengue are suspected, and complying with the health guidelines, is a duty of all, if we want to crown success in this difficult but surmountable battle.

Everyone do their part of the duty so that the summer ends in Florida with fewer mosquitoes, a minimum incidence of dengue, and greater tranquility of the population when talking about Aedes aegypti and the number of patients caused by its reign, based on the conditions favorable for his life, the lack of demand from some and the inertia of others in the daily confrontation with this deadly scourge.

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Acerca de Pedro Pablo Sáez Herrera

Licenciado en estudios Socioculturales de la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomado en Periodismo. Labora como periodista en Radio Florida atendiendo sectores como Salud Pública, la Asociación Nacional de Agricultores Pequeños, Trabajo y Seguridad Social, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @SanPPZeta Facebook: Pedro Pablo Sáez

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