Florida, Jul 13.- Headed by representatives of the highest leadership of the Communist Party and the provincial government, a «Necessary Meeting» was held in Florida with Directors and productive bases of the Agriculture system and the local sugar sector with the objective of analyzing the progress of agricultural production and readjust commitments to sow and collect food in the months of July and August.
The exchange highlighted, above all, the complex situation faced by the task of guaranteeing the people’s food in the current situation, and consequently pondered the importance of moving forward immediately in compliance with land preparation plans, planting various crops and collection of milk and meat, along with price control and the fight against crime and illegalities in Florida livestock.
In response to this demand, among the agreements jointly endorsed by farmers and sugarcane growers in the territory, the commitment to plant more than 2,400 hectares of root vegetables and vegetables in the second semester of the current year stands out, of which almost 800 must be materialize in the current summer stage.
Increasing control over milking and the sale of milk to the industry was another of the claims that came out of the meeting with representatives of the local productive bases of Florida, even more so when it is known that the municipality fails to comply with the daily delivery figure for that line. and it does not achieve the necessary recruitment volume to cover all the demand of children, the elderly, the sick and pregnant women; while some 300 cowboys have not yet signed dairy agreements with the Dairy Combination and almost 500 remain below the number of liters to be taxed each day.
The commercialization, on time, of the meat products included in the regulated family basket depends to a large extent on the awareness and performance of the farmers in the yard, whose delay suffers to the same extent that the ranchers limit or betray the arrival of animals to the Tomás Rojas packing house and to the rest of the state destinations established in the previous contracting process.
In accordance with what was expressed at the meeting itself, the unity and commitment of Florida farmers, peasants and sugar workers must also be expressed in confronting the theft and slaughter of large livestock on farms and cooperatives in the region, a scourge that accumulates here more of 150 crimes until the end of the first ten of this month.
Summarizing the so-called «Necessary Meeting» with agricultural producers and the AzCuba system in Florida, the first secretary of the municipal Committee of the Communist Party, Liliana Boudet Nápoles, called for paying more attention to one hundred percent of the farmers in her workspace , denounced the responsibility of the productive bases in price control and assured that the territory will fulfill the word pledged in the food program based on conscious work, systematic checking and collective push in each of the proposed tasks.