Celebrated in Florida 44th anniversary of the Association of the Blind

Florida, May 27.- The members of the National Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired (ANCI) celebrated on May 26 the 44th anniversary of its foundation in the municipality of Florida with a cultural activity at the Rubén Martínez Villena municipal library.

The event was filled with joy and enthusiasm and was a space to remember the history of the association and the importance that people with disabilities attach to it, due to its impact on the social inclusion of those living with disabilities due to visual impairments.

The meeting was an ideal space for the recognition of associates who stand out for their participation in sports and cultural activities and in self-improvement actions sponsored by the University Chair for the Elderly.

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Acerca de Diala González Ramayo

Licenciada en Comunicación Social en la Universidad de Las Tunas. Diplomada en periodismo. Trabaja como periodista en Radio Florida desde el año 2018 atendiendo sectores como Comunales, Sanidad Vegetal, Comercio y Gastronomía, entre otros. Contacto: Facebook: Diala González

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