Florida coaches and athletes will cheer up the May Day parade

Florida, Apr 26.- The family of Physical Culture and Sports of the municipality of Florida is preparing to give color and enthusiasm to the parade of the working class for International Workers’ Day, next May 1st, an event that will throughout Cuba is a day of jubilation and popular celebration.

Vizmar Pérez Agüero, a methodologist for mass events at the Municipal Sports Sector in Florida, explained that to parade on World Proletariat Day, coaches, technicians, activists and practitioners from different disciplines will group together with various initiatives in three blocks, identified each with the colors of the Cuban flag: white, blue and red.

In the traditional commemorative march from the José Martí Park to the Plaza Ñico López, it is expected that professionals and sports workers in this territory will be accompanied by members of the Florida Classic Bicycle Club, children’s aerobic gymnastics teams, athletes from various disciplines and active practitioners within the Community Physical Culture programs.

As in previous celebrations of International Workers’ Day, the sports family in Florida, in addition to animating and coloring the parade with banners, posters and exercises, assumes responsibilities within the program of activities that is conceived in the municipality for the recreation of the town on this festive day.

Other details are offered by Ramón Echemendía Padilla, secretary of the union section of the Municipal Sports Sector in Florida, in an interview with journalist Yunier Soler Castellanos.

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Acerca de Yunier Soler Castellanos

Licenciado en Estudios Socioculturales en la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomado en Periodismo. Trabaja como periodista en Radio Florida desde el año 2014 atendiendo sectores como el Poder Popular, Defensa Civil, el INDER, entre otros. Contactos; Twitter: @yuniersolerc Facebook: Yunier Soler Castellanos Blog personal: miopticablog.wordpress.com

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