Florida, Apr 1.- The results, the intelligence and the challenges of the present already warned it and the President of the Republic himself reiterated it: the electoral victory of March 26 must be celebrated, but above all it must correspond to the enormous confidence deposited by the people in the Cuban Political System and its Revolution.
And it is that this more visible response requires efficiency in solving the needs and popular demands, greater administrative commitment and a superior link of the government with the base, without schemes or euphemisms, without perpetual intermediaries, and with the initiatives and the ear linked to the reality and concerns of the neighborhood and communities.
Political leaders, heads of organizations, administrators of entities and resources, intermediate level rulers, deputies elected by the people and other decision-makers are obliged, today more than ever, to mark on their foreheads and in their daily actions, the sacred words of the Apostle of Cuban independence José Martí when he expressed:
…“The government is a popular order; the people give it; to your satisfaction must be exercised; His will must be consulted, according to his aspirations, his needy voice heard, never return the power received against the trusting hands that gave it to us, and that are their sole owners ”.
Jose Marti
And the Older Cuban added that: “Whoever tries to govern, make himself worthy of the government, because if, with him, the reins slip out of hand, or if he doesn’t know what to do with them, he goes mad, and shakes them like whips on the backs of the governed, of course they are snatched away, and very justly, and they are left without them for entire centuries.”
With more than 75% support at the polls, Cubans decided to keep the reins of the country in the hands of the Revolution, and that determination turned into victory demands respect from outside, but also from within.