Florida, Oct 17.- With regard to the 20th anniversary of the Florida Municipal University Center this October, the group of workers carry out various activities, including meetings with founders of this institution and workshops where the impact of university extension actions in the community is evidenced.
Special mention deserves the implementation of four extension projects linked to Primary Education, Preschool, and Physical Culture, which promote work with children of early childhood and the Elderly, who are given various educational activities related to child care. their health and the preservation of the environment.
The recognition of teachers with relevant scientific results at this stage, as well as the exchange with professionals graduated from the local university are included in the program of activities planned for the day of celebration, for the anniversary of the center created in Florida in the heat of universalization of higher education.

Promoting new local development projects where students of different specialties are more closely linked, is included among the work projections of the teaching group of the Florida Municipal University Center, an institution that this year reaches its 20th anniversary.