Little son, a decade of good art made by children and adolescents (+ Audio)

Florida, Sep 19.- Ten years will be held on September 28 by the Little Son Theater Music Project of the municipality of Florida, created by art instructors Mabis Casals and Arturo Nazco Labrada. What was initially a children’s musical group, in 2013 acquired a greater dimension by including theater and dance in its presentations.

The main results and aspirations of the leaders of this artistic unit that brings together 40 Floridian children and adolescents is dealt with in the report by journalist Ailen Vargas Abella.

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Acerca de Ailen Vargas Abella

Ingeniera Informática de la Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas (UCI) de la Habana. Diplomada en periodismo. Locutora y Directora radial. Trabaja como periodista de Radio Florida desde el año 2011 atendiendo sectores como Cultura, la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @ailencita87 Facebook: Ailén Vargas Abella Blog personal:

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