Martian classrooms of José Martí Elementary School ratify their status.

Florida, Jan. 25 – More than 40 Marti classrooms ratified this category at the José Martí Pérez elementary school, an action dedicated to the 172nd anniversary of the birth of Cuba’s National Hero.

In order to keep his legacy alive and honor the Apostle of the Cuban independence, students and teachers of the school, embellished and conditioned the student premises and created the Marti site in each classroom, with books, photos, drawings and biographical outline of the life and literary work of José Martí.

Master Francisco Arredondo Martínez, director of the center, recognized the effort made by everyone and praised the support of the parents and neighbors of the community in each of the pioneering initiatives related to the Marti’s Classrooms Movement.

From the library of the institution, students from all grades attend the multiple activities programmed to reverence the work of José Martí; talks, book presentations, exhibitions and lectures are among the proposals.

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