Floridian students celebrated International Students’ Day

Florida, Nov. 19 – International Students’ Day was commemorated at the Instituto Preuniversitario Urbano República (IPU) Bolivariana de Venezuela, in the municipality of Florida, with a special morning session.

The students of the high school remembered November 17, 1939, when a group of young Czechoslovakians, determined to free their country from the Hitlerian yoke, carried out a heroic resistance in the streets of Prague.

The newspaper highlighted Cuba as one of the countries that joins the commemoration every year, where studying, besides being a right for all those who wish to learn and improve themselves, is a duty for those who enter the world of knowledge.

Several actions took place at the IPU República Bolivariana de Venezuela on the occasion of the date that became a symbol that inspired the actions of students around the world, in solidarity with the struggle against fascism, for freedom, democracy, social process and peace.

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