Florida, Nov. 16 – In Florida, more than 700 suggestions from the population were registered during the recently concluded first process of accountability of the delegate to his electors in the current term of office of the Government, stage in which the 374 community meetings planned in this municipality took place.
According to a report from the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power, one third of the proposals made by Floridians in this period were demands related to the actions of the state administrations and among the most reiterated were the need to improve water supply and drainage services, the repair of warehouses and roads, the reactivation of public lighting and the improvement of the systematization of solid waste collection.
Floridian voters also referred to the need for greater state action to counteract high prices, and to seek local alternatives to improve transportation coverage to and from rural communities, where they also reiterated the priority of ensuring stability in the presence of doctors in the doctor’s offices.
In the first process of accountability of the delegate to his constituents of the current term of office of the Floridian government, close to 500 community proposals were counted, which are concerns about those problems that could be solved with citizen action in each neighborhood, without the need for many material resources or specialized work.
According to the government report, some 270 neighborhood commissions were created in this municipality to work at the block or neighborhood level in search of community solutions to mitigate those problems that affect the quality and safety of social relations and environmental conditions or collective coexistence.
More information about the accountability process in Florida is provided by Victoriano José Martínez, delegate of the 11th district of the Centro Urbano people’s council and president of the Commission for the Control of the work of the Local Bodies of People’s Power in Florida, in an interview conducted by journalist Yunier Soler Castellanos.