Municipal Museum exhibits paintings by Camagüey artist Jorge Santos Díaz

Florida, Nov. 13 – To refresh the look is the title of the Sample of the Month that can be appreciated in the Museum of Florida, which includes a work of the Camagüey artist Jorge Santos Díaz Como, part of the activities for the centenary of the declaration of the municipal term, to be celebrated next December.

The piece exhibited is an original work in oil on cardboard, made by the author in 1983 and donated by the Floridian researcher and professor Jesus Lopez Lopez, consistent collaborator of that cultural institution, who has donated other pieces and documents of considerable historical and artistic value.

Santos Díaz transcended in the artistic panorama of Camagüey as the Painter of the City for reflecting in his works landscapes of the city of the tinajones; throughout his career he received important prizes and decorations that endorse his fruitful pictorial work and exceptional trajectory within the art.

The outstanding Camagüey painter died on September 12, 1996, when his brush, moved by the most intimate feelings of the human being, still had thousands of concerns to capture.

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