On August 5, 1895, at the age of 74, Frederick Engels, leader and teacher of the world proletariat, philosopher, political scientist, sociologist, anthropologist, historian, journalist, and German revolutionary theorist who founded, in collaboration with Karl Marx, the Marxist theory, that of scientific communism and dialectical and historical materialism, died in England.
He stayed some years in England and there he came into contact with a developed workers’ movement, which played an enormous role in the formation of his political, social and philosophical ideas, as well as in his definitive passage to the positions of materialism and proletarian communism.
A leading figure in revolutionary thought and struggle, Engels wrote for the German newspaper The Rhine Gazette; and in the Franco-German journal Annales he published the work Outline of a Critique of Political Economy, in which for the first time he criticized the capitalist mode of production and bourgeois political economy.
He collaborated with Karl Marx in the works The Holy Family; The German Ideology and the Communist Manifesto; and is the author of Anti-Duhring; The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State; Ludwig Feverbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy, The Role of Labor in the Transformation of the Monkey into Man and Dialectics of Nature.
About this brilliant philosopher wrote Vladimir Ilich Lenin: «He only remained the adviser and leader of the European socialists, to him they turned for knowledge and directives; All of them took advantage of the very rich treasure of knowledge and experience of old Engels».