Florida, May 21 – The beekeepers of the municipality of Florida arrived at the World Bee Day with concrete actions to defend the health and presence of this essential insect in the ecosystems and productive sites of the territory.
Compliance with measures against contagious diseases, guarantee of hygiene in apiaries and hives, and the greatest respect for the guidelines in the Manual of Good Beekeeping Practices are pillars for the performance of beekeepers in the local agricultural sector.
Ana Margarita González Sáez, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and director of the Florida Territorial Brigade in the Apicultural Base Business Unit (UEB) of Camagüey, commented that the surveillance includes the prohibition of drugs and antibiotics in the treatment of these animals, the correct location of apiaries, their systematic disinfection, the periodic revision of the hives and the change of queen bees.
According to the official, these missions contribute to a better quality of life for the bees; but they also mean higher productivity, excellence in the organoleptic items of the hive such as honey, wax and propolis, its medicinal value and favorable price in the international market.
On the day of the International Day of the Bees, the representative of Apiculture in Florida congratulated one hundred percent of the men and women of the municipality dedicated to the promotion and care of this species essential for life on planet earth.