Florida, April 17 – The Pequeños Son Musical-Theater Company, from the municipality of Florida, received the Grand Prize at the Provincial Festival, Cuba qué linda es Cuba, held in Camagüey during the 32nd edition of the Provincial Music Festival, an event in which artistic units from all the municipalities of the Agramontino territory participated.
The Children’s Choir directed by Art Instructor Yoiset Torres García and soloists Yohana Santiesteban Rodríguez, Mélany Cedré and Lauren Vitón, as well as troubadour Odranuel Escobar and the Tempo Duo, from the Florida House of Culture, also received awards at the event.
At the Provincial Festival Cuba qué linda es Cuba, which was under the artistic direction of Arnaldo Alfonso, special recognition was given to the vocal ensemble Luis Casas Romero, directed by experienced art instructor Rosa Martínez García, the group which this year’s event was dedicated.
Florida won the Grand Prize and other awards during the 32nd edition of the Provincial Music Festival held in Camagüey.