Florida, April 17 – The recognition to those who stand firm in the first trench in defense of the Homeland was renewed in Florida this April 16, during the celebration of the municipal act for the Day of the Militiaman and tribute to the 63rd anniversary of the socialist character of the Cuban Revolution.
With headquarters in the Military Sector of Florida and presided over by the first secretary of the Communist Party in the territory, Liliana Boudet Nápoles; the commemoration was propitious for the promotion of 20 officers of the militias and the reserve to the next higher rank, and also opened space for the awarding of Distinctions for 10 and 15 years of Service in the Revolutionary Armed Forces and for standing out in the Preparation for the defense.

The celebration was also attended by Evelyn Márquez Álvarez, president of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power; and in a special way, the accompaniment of Playa Girón combatants Ciro Martín Delgado and Justo Martínez Veliz, together with a group of founders of the Communist Party and veterans of different revolutionary deeds in Cuban history.
Summing up the municipal ceremony for the Day of the Militiaman, Colonel José Enrique Verdecia Barrios, head of the Florida Military Sector, congratulated the awardees, expressed the deep conviction that we will move forward with new victories over the hatred of the empire, and recalled that the current generations are the continuity of Girón and the example of resistance sown in the people by the eternal Commander Fidel Castro Ruz.