Florida, Mar. 21 – The first stage of the National Control Exercise on the Use, Tenure and Legality of the land and livestock is progressing in the municipality of Florida with the inspection, to date, of some 27 producers in farms of the Alberto Becerra Rosado Credit and Services Cooperative (CCS), in the Conquista popular council.
According to official sources, the work commissions were to verify the existence of some 2,260 heads of cattle, a figure that was exceeded due to the certification of a number of recently born animals and within the deadlines for their registration in the Municipal Livestock Control Registry.
Among the main alterations detected in the regulations in force for the raising and promotion of livestock, the detection of an unjustified shortage of 24 cattle in the count carried out in one of the herds visited and whose owner was fined 240 thousand pesos, taking into account the provisions of Decree-Law 225 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cuba.
Other violations detected during the progress of the National Control Exercise on the Use, Tenure and Legality of land and livestock in the Conquista popular council referred to the identification of inactive idle lands, years after they were granted to the usufructuaries; illegal constructions in the farms; a case of theft and slaughter without a complaint to the police authority, and change of the main productive assignment of a farm without the due authorization of the Agrarian Commission.
After concluding its verification tour at the CCS Alberto Becerra, where the decisive support of the board of directors headed by its president, farmer Misael Hernández, was acknowledged, the delegation participating in the control exercise on the ownership and legality of livestock moved to the Rolando Valdivia Credit and Service Cooperative, also located in the Conquista district.