Floridian students win provincial Natural Sciences and History contests (+Post)

Florida, Mar. 7 – Floridian students won five gold medals for Florida in the National Contests of Natural Sciences and History of Cuba for elementary education.

The winners in Natural Sciences were Siranay Yelena López Moreno and Dailié Pérez García, from Leonor Pérez School; Alejandro Jesús Abreu Moya, from Tania la Guerrillera and Ana Lía Moreira Madrigal, from Enrique José Varona School, where Angeline León Montalvo, the only winner in the province in Cuban History, also studies.

After receiving an intense preparation in the concentrates created for this purpose, the students faced a questionnaire that they managed to answer correctly and were crowned with the highest marks as a reward for their effort and dedication to study.

The results in knowledge contests exhibited in the current school year at the primary educational level in Florida support the performance of their educators who, in line with the Third Educational Improvement, increase individual attention to each participant from the educational institutions to the competitions, to face these events in the different disciplines.

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