Florida, Feb. 5 – The workers’ collective of Tiendas CARIBE in the municipality of Florida celebrated the 30th anniversary of the foundation of this commercial chain dedicated to retail commercialization, oriented to customer satisfaction in its different segments.
The creation of this socialist state enterprise on February 4, 1994 was remembered with a ceremony held in the José Martí Park of the city, where the units and workers with the best results in their work performance were recognized, with special mention for Claribel Arza Rodríguez, of the commercial unit La Exclusiva, and Reinier González Blat, of the Caribeña.
The event, which had the support of the Party and the Government in the locality, was the stage for the tribute to the workers with five, 10, 15, 15, 20 and 25 years of permanence in entities of the CARIBE Chain of Stores, an entity that accumulates three decades of service to the population.