Florida, Feb. 1 – The Prosalud team of the municipality of Florida received recognition at the balance assembly of the Provincial Center of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology in Camagüey, for the quality and effect of its systematic and educational work during the year 2023.
These results were achieved by the work of the four specialists of the territory, who informed and oriented the population about the different diseases existing in the country, in order to promote healthy behaviors, at individual level, in schools, communities, work centers and Family Doctor’s and Nurse’s Offices.
The promoters also celebrated World Health Days and gave educational talks to young people and adolescents on preventive measures to avoid the spread of communicable diseases.
With 10 years of existence, Prosalud is the guiding-methodological institution in charge of developing strategies, campaigns and plans aimed at including health promotion in all policies, thus contributing to the promotion of healthy lifestyles.