Florida, February 1 – The Municipal Directorate of Agriculture, in cooperation with the rest of its structures and the government in the municipality of Florida, are working hard to complete the process of contracting agricultural production by 2024, to which all usufructuaries and landowners in the territory must join.
Even though there is still potential to be discovered and some farmers are still pending the conclusion of collection agreements with the state system, it is appropriate to highlight the performance of several entities in the sector with superior results in the signing of internal agreements for the purchase and future commercialization of milk, meat and various crops.
In this list, the credit and farmland services (CCS) Alberto Becerra, Amparo Carriera, Leopoldo Rey Sampayo and Juan Gualberto Gómez, among others, stand out, which supervised with certainty the movement of the herds and the expectation of the cattle mass in each farm, prior to the closing of the stockpiling contract with the producers in their environment.
According to the information offered by Fidel Acosta Echemendía, specialist in this enterprise, to date they managed to contract more than 97 percent of the milk plan ordered to the entity, foreseen to cover a demand of more than five million 200 thousand liters for the industry and the direct sale to the population.