Florida government plans to increase sales and economic profits

Florida, Jan 12.- Among the Government’s plans in the municipality of Florida for 2024, it is planned to reverse the productive failures of previous stages and increase net sales and economic profits, two essential indicators in the Socioeconomic Development Strategy of the territory.

The report from the municipal Department of Economy and Planning projects a growth of more than 13 percent in net sales compared to the previous year and a profit of more than 56 million pesos, truly ambitious figures in the current complex economic scenario. .

This report from the local administration reveals that in this municipality, until the end of November 2023, far from making profits, million-dollar losses were accumulated, as a consequence of productive and economic failures in the state business sector.

For this reason, the need persists in Florida to improve business efficiency and raise production levels to increase sales, generate more economic profits by increasing the offers of goods and services to the population and comply with monetary income plans to cover all the activities planned in the budget for this calendar.

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Acerca de Yunier Soler Castellanos

Licenciado en Estudios Socioculturales en la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomado en Periodismo. Trabaja como periodista en Radio Florida desde el año 2014 atendiendo sectores como el Poder Popular, Defensa Civil, el INDER, entre otros. Contactos; Twitter: @yuniersolerc Facebook: Yunier Soler Castellanos Blog personal: miopticablog.wordpress.com

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