Ignacio Agramonte Sugar Company of Florida is committed to its recovery

Florida, Nov 18.- Even though much remains to be done for the sugarcane, industrial and economic recovery of the Ignacio Agramonte Sugar Company in the municipality of Florida, it is valid to recognize the steps of progress in the agricultural part of the entity.

Until the end of October, this productive conglomerate contributed more than 150 thousand liters of milk and around 40 tons of beef to the industry and produced almost 3,400 quintals of various crops.

The Manuel Piti Fajardo Credit and Services Cooperative (CCS) has a fundamental weight in contributing to the aforementioned lines, an example to be followed by the rest of the productive bases linked to the state commission of the «Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz.»

According to reports from the entity itself, despite the current limitations, the possibilities for agricultural growth on these properties are infinite, when more than 1,000 hectares are identified there available for planting vegetables and grains, water reserves for irrigation. , conditions for rice cultivation and more than 136 usufructuaries of idle lands affiliated with the different sugarcane cooperatives of Agramonte.

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Acerca de Pedro Pablo Sáez Herrera

Licenciado en estudios Socioculturales de la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomado en Periodismo. Labora como periodista en Radio Florida atendiendo sectores como Salud Pública, la Asociación Nacional de Agricultores Pequeños, Trabajo y Seguridad Social, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @SanPPZeta Facebook: Pedro Pablo Sáez

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