Favourable partisan and government tour of farms and production units in Florida.

Florida, Oct. 21.- This week the partisan and government tour of farms and production units in the sugarcane and agricultural sector of the municipality of Florida advanced once again, with the aim of touching the progress of the territory’s agri-food plans and commitments. and know, in each place, the disposition, criteria and needs of farmers and farm workers.

The first phase of the new exchange with the base began on the farm of rancher Juan Carlos Castro Hernández, of the Manuel Piti Fajardo Credit and Services Cooperative (CCS), a cowboy who exceeds his plans for collecting milk and beef in the current stage , increases its bovine mass and thereby achieves the right to slaughter four cattle this year for family consumption.

In the productive entity itself, the delegation later arrived at the properties of veteran farmer Eladio González Leyva, a planter who is more than 80 years old, who defends the commitment to continue harvesting food, turning his back on middlemen, on 12 hectares of land as support. to the Revolution, he assured, and in support of the economy and the people’s table.

The weekly check-up of the Party and the Municipal Government of the agro-productive sector also included the Self-Consumption of the Basic Unit of Cooperative Production (UBPC) Mártires de Florida and the Registered Seed Bank of the Ignacio Agramonte Sugar Agroindustrial Company, in which recommended advancing in the cultural attention of existing crops and in the promotion of new plantations of root vegetables, vegetables and grains.

The morning session concluded in the machinery workshops of the Base Business Unit (UEB) Agricultural Services in the Ignacio Agramonte company, in which the highest political body of the territory, together with the Government, took stock of the progress of the repair of the means that will intervene in the cane cuts during the next harvest.

In the afternoon the agri-food control tour continued, led by Liliana Boudet Nápoles, first secretary of the Municipal Committee of the Party, who spoke with the board of directors and workers of the sugarcane Agricultural Production Cooperative (CPA), Abel Santamaría, an entity that maintains the same pace and seriousness as always in planting, harvesting and marketing food.

At sunset, the delegation arrived at the Central Argentina industry to observe the development of the rum manufacturing project from sugar cane patented by the entity, and review the potential of the mini-industry paralyzed there due to current health limitations. in the construction infrastructure of a facility capable of providing considerable volumes of food and contributing to the chain with other economic actors in the municipality.

Florida’s top political leader described the agri-food control activity carried out this week in more than a dozen productive places as very fruitful, due to the intensity of the route and the opportunity to exchange with men and women who make good use of the land, defend Yes, we can and they do their best to benefit the food sovereignty and nutritional security of the Floridian people.

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Acerca de Pedro Pablo Sáez Herrera

Licenciado en estudios Socioculturales de la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomado en Periodismo. Labora como periodista en Radio Florida atendiendo sectores como Salud Pública, la Asociación Nacional de Agricultores Pequeños, Trabajo y Seguridad Social, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @SanPPZeta Facebook: Pedro Pablo Sáez

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