Florida, October 21.- The Bayamo Anthem was sung loudly this Friday, October 20, regarding Cuban Culture Day, as a preamble to the special morning sessions that, due to the historic date, were celebrated in all the educational institutions of the territory to close a day of full cultural joy that began on the 10th.
With the advice of the music instructors of the José Martí Brigade, the students and teachers of all the schools in the municipality sang our warrior song, chanted for the first time on October 20, 1868 in Bayamo, the same anthem that has accompanied us in the 155 years of independence and rebel struggle.
Florida schools planned several actions to highlight the significant day, an obligatory space to bring to everyone’s memory Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, who gave freedom to his slaves, and Perucho Figueredo, author of the melody.
Likewise, it was time to recognize the artistic performance of art fans, promoters and instructors, and the students who during this year were worthy of awards and mentions in festivals and cultural events held in the municipality of Florida and the province of Camagüey.