New technicians in Library Science and documentary technique complete studies in Florida

Florida, Jul 6.- The 12 fourth-year students of Library Science and Documentation Technology from the Manuel Rivero Gómez de Avellaneda Polytechnic Institute of Economics in the city of Florida participated in the discussion of the final report and the practical activity to promote reading, step definitive to conclude the studies of Average Technician of the specialty.

For four years, the young women were trained under the supervision of a team of professors of key subjects for the future performance of their functions such as Cataloging, Classification, Conservation and Restoration, as well as Information Services and Management, and Bibliographic Reference.

The study program included other subjects that provide knowledge about Universal Culture, Research Methodology, Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Cultural Promotion, as well as Elements of Economics and Labor Legislation, subjects that promote the acquisition of professional skills to perform as a Technician. in Library Science.

In the next 2023-2024 school year, the graduates will begin their job training in educational institutions of the different levels of education in the territory, where they will be responsible for managing, classifying, processing, storing, and disseminating library information and promoting the taste for reading, in addition to instilling research habits in students.

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