Florida, June 24.- «The respect and systematic fulfillment of the missions included in the Reforestation Plan of the municipality of Florida constitute the only way to increase, promote the levels of forest cover, safeguard the environment, support the production of food and guarantee the availability of forest resources and others for the timber industry and housing construction”.
This was highlighted by directors of the State Forestry Service of the territory due to the lack of interest of some actors linked to the green mass rehabilitation program, among which is noted the local Agricultural Company, which does not report information, to date, on how much they do there in favor of planting trees.
This Florida entity, among whose missions the link with more than 60 percent of the producing entities of the agricultural sector stands out, assumed the commitment to plant 11 hectares of forests during the current year, most of them destined to strengthen the military defense of the municipality.
Also in accordance with the opinion of the representatives of the State Forest Service of Florida, reforestation, in addition to a governmental, strategic and administrative task, must become a vital issue of conscience for the directors of the entities committed to the groups they direct, and for the rest of the population in charge of materializing it.