Florida, Jun 19.- Among the benefits of the rains this month of June, the promotion of a favorable scenario for the advancement of the Reforestation Plan of the municipality of Florida stands out, from the beginning of the second stage of that forest rehabilitation schedule .
Around 50 hectares of land are expected to be covered with green mass in 2023 as part of the strategy for planting new trees and through the efficient management of natural regeneration on farms, cooperatives and forest reserves in the region.
Local farmers, including the Máximo Gómez, Las Martinas and El Mambí Basic Units of Cooperative Production, have a fundamental weight in this task, which, together with the Carlos Díaz Cervantes productive base, must guarantee this year the planting of forests of interest for defense in Florida.
Special recognition in the current tasks of Reforestation deserves the labor group of the Silvicultural Unit of the municipality, which, despite the scarcity of machinery and resources destined to the preparation of land, are mobilized and manually already exceed 70 percent of compliance with planting in the nine hectares of forest repopulation planned by them for the current calendar.