Florida, Jun 9.- A greater confrontation with speculation and abuse in the marketing prices of agricultural products and other basic necessities remains the main claim of the Floridian people in the current economic situation.
According to the people interviewed at random, the fight against supply and demand is today an attack on the pocket of the common worker, and constitutes an insult to retirees and others with less income, which endangers nutritional security and quality of life of a non-negligible segment of the population.
The stable supply of agricultural productions to the points of free price formation shows the existence of root vegetables, fruits and other varieties of food in the fields of Florida, however, their presence is limited and even rare in the State Agricultural Markets and small squares. associated with the peasant cooperatives of the territory.
Achieving greater control of the crops and respect for contracting, supervising the collection and destination of agricultural food and multiplying the motivations and attention to farmers are key in the reorganization of prices.
In addition to the purpose of confronting the abuse in the values of the agricultural supply, the importance of achieving efficiency in the operation of the Contracting and Price Agreement Committee and improving the monitoring of the use and exploitation of arable land in the territory is added.