3E: Effort, Dedication, Evolution; Collective show of new Floridian artists (+Post)

3E: Esfuerzo, Entrega, Evolución; muestra colectiva de noveles artistas floridanos

Florida, May 22.- The collective exhibition called 3E: Effort, Dedication, Evolution, by the adolescents Liz Marian Martínez Herranz, Karla Castellanos García and Yan Carlos Pérez Baryolo, members of the Huellas Azules Sociocultural project, was inaugurated at the Casa de la Cultura from Florida.

The exhibition exhibits the work of the new artists in constant evolution, the result of the work carried out by them and the instructors of the project, who every Saturday give workshops on creation and appreciation of the arts to children and adolescents who love Crafts and crafts.

Until next June 20, the exhibition of the students who also conclude the ninth grade in the López Recio Loináz and Agustín Farabundo Martí Basic Secondary Schools will be exhibited, but they will follow the route of art as a new path and constitute motivation to add new students to the Blue Footprints Project classes.

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Acerca de Ailen Vargas Abella

Ingeniera Informática de la Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas (UCI) de la Habana. Diplomada en periodismo. Locutora y Directora radial. Trabaja como periodista de Radio Florida desde el año 2011 atendiendo sectores como Cultura, la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @ailencita87 Facebook: Ailén Vargas Abella Blog personal: rincondeamoryvida.wordpress.com

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