Florida, Apr 17.- The Community Extension and Social Projects Event was held at the Florida Municipal University Center with the participation of professors from the Department of Pedagogical Careers, students from the University College and specialists linked to sociocultural projects.
The activity began with an evocation of the epic of Playa Girón, and the magisterial presentation of the Sports Historian in Florida, Ernesto Luis Santana Domínguez, with his work Firmness, which highlights the sports career of the Historical Leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz.
Among the projects presented at the event are Todos por Cuba, led by the master Bárbara Lay; Extension Project for a Happy Childhood, by Leticia Pardo Mora; and the José Martí Park Project, Mirror of Our Identity, Margarita Fernández Cervantes, director of the Municipal Museum.
Let’s Save the Environment, from the Master’s in Education Sciences Damaris Mendieta; Tradisueños, by Ms. Martha Guillén; the Blue Footprints Project, by Alexander Rodríguez, and Ruralidad, aimed at rescuing the bateyes and communities of the municipality linked to the sugar industry, by Mr. Wilber Pupo Torno, were other of the papers presented at the event.
The municipal advisory group together with the Local Development group are responsible for reviewing the designs of each project, analyzing the economic feasibility and when they are ready, taking them to the Administration Council to approve their financing.