In Florida program of activities in greeting to May 1

A la Patria, manos y corazón

Florida, Apr 11.- The labor movement of the municipality of Florida develops a day of activities in greeting to May 1, International Workers’ Day.

The planting of two hectares of cane in the Las Marías Cooperative Production Base Unit (UBPC), site where the call to celebrate the Day of the World Proletariat and the execution of the Domino Tournament, won by the union workers, were read sugar, constituted actions carried out in the territory in greeting to the date.

Other activities were carried out in the city in salute to the celebration of May 1st, among them the sports event in the field known as the Baseballito, volunteer work in workplaces and the recognition of outstanding workers.

With the central motto To the Homeland, hands and heart, the labor movement of Florida will continue with the organization and execution of days of activities for International Workers’ Day in each community and labor collective of the territory.

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Acerca de Mayelin Baryolo Rodríguez

Licenciada en Estudios Socioculturales en la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomada en Periodismo. Trabaja como periodista de Radio Florida desde el año 2009 atendiendo sectores como la Federación de Mujeres Cubanas, los Comités de Defensa de la Revolución, la Central de Trabajadores de Cuba, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @mayelinbaryolo Facebook: Mayelín Baryolo Rodríguez

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