Exposed in public spaces biographies of candidates for Deputies for Florida

Florida, Feb 28.- A total of 618 points were enabled by the Municipal Electoral Commission in Florida for the exhibition of the biographies of Roberto Alejandro Carrazana Carballo and Ainelis Herrara Molina, candidates for Deputies to the National Assembly of People’s Power for this municipality.

More than eight public spaces for each circumscription were chosen to place the information of these young people, which in summary includes the merits for which they were selected to represent the Floridian people in the Cuban Parliament.

According to data from electoral authorities in the territory, the spaces selected to present the biographies coincide mostly with public places where there is a greater influx of people daily, such as warehouses, schools, labor institutions, and entities that provide services to the population.

The exhibition of the biographies of the candidates for Deputies to the Cuban Parliament for Florida is a significant step towards the voting on March 26, and is carried out as provided by the Electoral Law, in force since 2019.

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Acerca de Diala González Ramayo

Licenciada en Comunicación Social en la Universidad de Las Tunas. Diplomada en periodismo. Trabaja como periodista en Radio Florida desde el año 2018 atendiendo sectores como Comunales, Sanidad Vegetal, Comercio y Gastronomía, entre otros. Contacto: Facebook: Diala González

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