Florida, Feb 25.- «Today more than ever we must have confidence in the youth and count on them in every task of the Revolution»; This was expressed by Maidiel León Herrera, vice president of the Mártires de Granada Agricultural Production Cooperative (CPA), in Florida, during the development of the Youth Campesino Activity of the municipality carried out in that sugarcane entity with the presence of the first secretariat of the Communist Party in the territory, Liliana Boudet Naples.
Magdiel was one of the young members of the contingent of peasants from Camagüey who traveled to the Pinar del Río province with the aim of supporting the recovery tasks after the passage of Hurricane Ian, and in the meeting she highlighted the prominence of the most inexperienced members of her cooperative in important missions such as planting sugarcane, harvesting and food production, in a daily demonstration of «Yes we can» by the new generations.
With the same commitment, other boys and girls from the Abel Santamaría, Frank País García and Romárico Cordero cooperatives spoke out, places where they assume productive tasks and political leadership, and sign up at the forefront of the agricultural sector to promote social and community programs.
Among the agreements emanating from the Activo Juvenil Campesino carried out in Florida are the importance of adding militants and establishing new base committees of the Union of Young Communists (UJC) in cooperatives where they do not exist, rescuing the Youth Technical Brigades in the agrarian sphere, promote emulation and raise the link of the municipal leadership of the organization with the militancy of the sector, banish spontaneity.
Made up of 29 grassroots groups, the National Association of Small Farmers in this municipality has more than 300 members under 30 years of age, of which 119 are active in the ranks of the UJC, who, gathered in the youth group, also spoke out for freeing a daily battle for the requirement, as a line of work in search of superior results.
At various times during the exchange, the first secretary of the Municipal Committee of the Union of Young Communists in Florida, Hiannys Lázara Cabrera Hernández, called to strengthen the ranks of the organization with the sum of the best values of the Revolution, while Alexis Mollinedo, ANAP official in the province of Camagüey summoned the new pines of the sector to maintain cultural, political, ideological and patriotic improvement, to successfully face the challenges of the present.
Summarizing the debates of the Campesino Youth Active held in this municipality, the highest political leader of the territory, Liliana Boudet Nápoles, congratulated the meeting for its results and recommended expanding the dialogue scenarios with youth groups to listen to their criteria and concerns, and to transmit ideas, concepts and truths in defense of the work of the Revolution.
The first secretary of the Party in Florida also recommended strengthening the leadership structures of the UJC to offer greater accompaniment to the young peasants and producers at the base, who, according to her concluding words, «must all give their best.» the days for the development of the country and become pillars of creation, enthusiasm and motivation in each group”.