Municipal event of Exposure of Teaching aids was held in Florida

Florida, Feb 21.- With the intention of contributing to a greater effectiveness of the educational teaching process, the municipal event of Exposure of Teaching Media was held at the José Luis Tassende special school in Florida.At the meeting, various initiatives created by teachers with recyclable materials were presented and through which complementary activities are developed to foster skills in students.Specialists from the local Diagnosis and Guidance Center, students who are members of the José Martí Junior High School Pedagogical Interest Circle, and special and primary school teachers participated in the meeting.The municipal event of Exposure of Teaching Means fostered an exchange of experiences among teachers and made it possible to learn about the ingenuity and creativity of educators in search of improving the educational teaching process in the schools of the territory.

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Acerca de Marisol León Álvarez

Licenciada en Educación en la especialidad de Historia y Marxismo Leninismo en la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomada en Periodismo. Trabaja como periodista en Radio Florida desde el año 2009 atendiendo sectores como Educación, Vivienda, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @mleonalvarez Facebook: Marisol León Álvarez

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