Florida, Feb 17.- A warm welcome was given to the workers of the Municipal Museum to the two young candidates for Deputies to the National Assembly of People’s Power (ANPP) for this territory, who received a detailed explanation about the historical connotation, origin and conservation of the numerous historical and patrimonial pieces and documents exhibited in the cultural institution.
The candidates were interested in details of the Florida foundation, they received answers to their interest regarding the constitution here of the July 26 Movement and the formation of the Revolutionary Student Directorate, and they asked about the Museum’s links with educational centers and other groups dedicated to the formation of the new generations.
The explanation of a welcome expo had a special impact on them, in which various gifts received by the historic Leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, throughout his mission at the head of the country, treasured among the most precious funds, were shown. of the place.
The specialist in museology, María Antonia Fonte Alzugaray moved the candidates for the Cuban Parliament with the passionate narration by detailing what was exhibited in each of the eight rooms open to the public, while Margarita Fernández Cervantes, the director of the Florida Municipal Museum, thanked on behalf of the collective the opportunity to share with them, and encouraged them to successfully fulfill the new tasks that they would assume after the electoral appointment of March 26.
Ainelis Herrera Molina y Roberto Carrazana Carballo, los candidatos de Florida para integrar la nueva ANPP, se despidieron contagiados con el sentido de pertenencia que se respira en esa institución cultural y con la mochila del conocimiento cargada con nuevos detalles de la historia y la memoria del pueblo en nombre del cual podrán hablar, proponer soluciones y dar su voto en el Máximo Órgano de Poder del Estado y el Gobierno cubano.