Sanitation workers celebrate in Florida their day today

Florida, Feb 15.- This February 15, Community Services workers in Florida celebrate their day with an activity at El Cielo Floridano recreation center starting early in the morning, in a meeting conducive to the exchange and recognition of the workers who They excel at everyday tasks.

As planned, during the festivity the more than 300 men and women members of the collective in the municipality will be able to enjoy a cozy space with varied music and gastronomic offers, results of the initiatives of this union.

On this occasion, five workers will be recognized who during the past calendar maintained a good work attitude and met the various parameters that allow them to be distinguished as the most outstanding among the other colleagues.

Since 1995, every February 15th, the Communal Services Worker’s Day is celebrated in Cuba, in remembrance tribute to Faustino Pérez, martyr of the sector and a propitious occasion to encourage labor groups and workers who daily deal with the least beauty of our societies and those who contribute to the development of gardens and parks.

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Acerca de Diala González Ramayo

Licenciada en Comunicación Social en la Universidad de Las Tunas. Diplomada en periodismo. Trabaja como periodista en Radio Florida desde el año 2018 atendiendo sectores como Comunales, Sanidad Vegetal, Comercio y Gastronomía, entre otros. Contacto: Facebook: Diala González

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