Florida, Feb 14.- The Floridian writer Elena María Obregón Navarro is included among the more than 100 authors included in the anthology Técon limon, erotic texts, dedicated to Virgilio Piñeira, which will be presented at the 31st edition of the International Book Fair that takes place in the Cuban capital.With a prologue and selection by Dulce María Sotolongo and Zobeida Ramos, the poetic anthology is in digital format and includes other writers from the province of Camagüey.The text is made up of erotic short stories, in a kind of continuity of the well-known book Té con Limón, where the unprejudiced view of love and sex that has characterized a large part of the Cuban narrative of the last twenty years is addressed.The book will be marketed so far by the Amazon online sales platform and had its genesis in social networks where writers from all over the country come together, who use information and communication technologies as a way to promote and disseminate their literary production. .The inclusion of the Florida writer Elena María Obregón Navarro in the Cuban female erotic anthology Técon limón, erotic texticles demonstrates the versatility and talent of the artist, winner of various literary events in the country and deserving of the Living Memory Award last year 2022.
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Acerca de Ailen Vargas Abella
Ingeniera Informática de la Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas (UCI) de la Habana. Diplomada en periodismo. Locutora y Directora radial. Trabaja como periodista de Radio Florida desde el año 2011 atendiendo sectores como Cultura, la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @ailencita87 Facebook: Ailén Vargas Abella Blog personal: rincondeamoryvida.wordpress.com
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