Florida, Feb 10.- The members of the National Association of the Blind and People with Low Vision (ANCI) in Florida held their annual balance meeting corresponding to 2022, a space for exchange and debate about the work of the union in this territory.
The associates present at the meeting learned in a general way the work carried out by the group during the past calendar, where a better work of the internal functioning and linkage with the different organisms was evidenced.
In the debate, those present recognized some deficiencies that still persist, related to the low attendance of the associates to the organized activities, the necessary opening of a classroom for the teaching of the Braille system, as well as the support for critical cases with housing problems. .
Another of the issues raised by the members of the ANCI in their annual balance assembly was referred to achieving greater linkage of the associates in creative spaces such as the Huellas Azules project, where this union has creative artists with extensive experience willing to socialize them with their peers. .
In this meeting, the work of the Círculo Martiano and the University Chair for the Elderly was recognized, as spaces that generate knowledge and exchange of dissimilar knowledge, and organizations and associates with outstanding participation in the daily work of this association in the municipality received diplomas. .
Present at the balance assembly of the Florida ANCI, David Valdés, vice president of the union in the province of Camagüey and Rubén Huelga, government official at this same instance together with the directors of the municipal association.