Future cigar rollers had a familiarization week at the Tobacco Factory

Florida, Dec 8.- The 20 students who are trained in the specialty of skilled worker in Tobacco Rollers at the Sabino Pupo Milian Polytechnic Agricultural Institute (IPA), attended their familiarization stage during the first week of the current school year at Rolando Valdivia factory, in the city of Florida.

Professor Marcia Jons, guide for this group at the Sabino Pupo Milián Polytechnic, explained that teachers have the necessary bibliography to teach the theoretical content required in the degree and guarantee the correct training of students.

The educator added that, since it is the first school period in which this specialty is taught in the municipality, teachers prioritize methodological preparation to offer good quality classes.

With the intention of providing future workers for the Rolando Valdivia factory of the municipality in the IPA Sabino Pupo Milián of Florida, the 20 young people who enrolled in the specialty of skilled worker in Torcedores de Tabaco are being prepared.

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Acerca de Marisol León Álvarez

Licenciada en Educación en la especialidad de Historia y Marxismo Leninismo en la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomada en Periodismo. Trabaja como periodista en Radio Florida desde el año 2009 atendiendo sectores como Educación, Vivienda, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @mleonalvarez Facebook: Marisol León Álvarez

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