Florida, Nov 28.- The National Group for Urban, Suburban and Family Agriculture gave Florida the qualification of good for the integral work of the organopónicos of the territory, the main objective of the control developed here by the body in charge of promoting popular alternatives in the food production.
The group’s new tour included on its main route sites of this type located in the vicinity of La Vallita, La Finquita, the Micro district, Acueducto and the Sorbitol entrance, where, according to what they said, they appreciated sufficient plantings of vegetables, but they pointed to at the same time technical deficiencies in the planting of some crops of the current stage.
Summarizing the visit, engineer Francisco Martínez Rodríguez, a researcher at the Institute of Soils and a member of the National Group for Urban, Suburban and Family Agriculture, recommended improving the work of the regularly evaluated seed subprogram, while acknowledging the progress of others such as planting patios and plots and the use of organic fertilizer, together with the promotion of medicinal plants.
During the conclusions of the tour, where government officials and the Delegation of Agriculture of the municipality of Florida were also present, the commitment to undertake, together with the local Urban Farm, a schedule of rehabilitation and dignification of local organoponics in greeting to the date of December 27 when the 35th anniversary of the implementation of this form of food production will be celebrated in Cuba.