Meiby Suárez: «The culture house is my second home» (+ Audio)

Meiby Suárez: “La casa de la cultura es mi segundo hogar”

Florida, Oct 8.- Meiby Suárez is an art instructor and head of the Theater event at Florida Municipal House of Culture, an institution that, with more than four decades of work, has received numerous awards for the participation of fans in provincial regional and national events.

About the work she does and what it means for her to work in this cultural institution, she talks with the journalist Ailen Vargas Abella.

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Acerca de Ailen Vargas Abella

Ingeniera Informática de la Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas (UCI) de la Habana. Diplomada en periodismo. Locutora y Directora radial. Trabaja como periodista de Radio Florida desde el año 2011 atendiendo sectores como Cultura, la Unión de Jóvenes Comunistas, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @ailencita87 Facebook: Ailén Vargas Abella Blog personal:

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