Florida, Jan. 17 – The sensitivity and commitment of the teachers and support personnel of Special Education in Florida was recognized in a special morning session held at the José Luis Tassende de las Muñecas school for the 63rd anniversary of this education in Cuba, an occasion in which homage was paid to the martyr after whom the school is named on the centennial of his birth.

Master Saskia Tamayo, head of Special Education at the General Directorate of Education in Florida, evoked the beginnings and benefits of a program conceived since the beginning of the Revolution to attend children and adolescents with specific educational needs, whether or not associated with a disability, and highlighted the creation of special education on January 4, 1962, conceived by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro.

For her part, Odalys Zulueta Nocedo, director of the Floridian special school, acknowledged the political will of the country which, regardless of shortcomings and difficulties, prioritizes this comprehensive project of a system of institutions, care modalities, resources, services and extension channels for students with special educational needs, their families, teachers and the community.
For more information, see the following report by journalist Luis Ortiz Chaviano.