Municipal Party Management praises recognition granted to Radio Florida (+Post)

Dirección del Partido municipal pondera reconocimiento otorgado a Radio Florida

Florida, Jan. 14 – The first secretary of the Municipal Committee of the Communist Party in Florida, Liliana Boudet Nápoles, made public her congratulations to the radio broadcasters of the territory in connection with the recognition given to this station by the national management of Radio Cubana as a tribute to the 55th anniversary of the resumption of transmissions.

In her account in the social network X, the maximum political leader of the municipality expressed: “Many congratulations to all the collective wishes you the people of Florida for your work, sacrifices and results achieved”.

“May the recognition of the Party and the Government reach everyone”, added in her comment the first secretary in Florida, aware, no doubt, of the strategic importance that involves media communication from the informative, social, cultural and recreational point of view.

The Diploma for the 55th anniversary of the Floridian radio station, awarded by the National Directorate of Cuban Radio, was received by the director of this media, Yaneisy La Rosa Hernández, from the hands of Yusaima Cardona, top representative of that organization, accompanied by Alfonso Noya Martínez, president of the Institute of Information and Social Communication of Cuba, as part of the activities of the provincial balance assembly of the radio system in Camagüey.

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Acerca de Pedro Pablo Sáez Herrera

Licenciado en estudios Socioculturales de la Universidad de Camagüey. Diplomado en Periodismo. Labora como periodista en Radio Florida atendiendo sectores como Salud Pública, la Asociación Nacional de Agricultores Pequeños, Trabajo y Seguridad Social, entre otros. Contactos: Twitter: @SanPPZeta Facebook: Pedro Pablo Sáez

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